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Young Life Australia INC

   Donations to this organisation are tax deductible  This organisation accepts volunteer labour

Young Life is a Christain Outreach Ministry seeking to reach young Australians between the ages of twelve and eighteen. We enter the world of young people, not as authority figures or consultants on success, but as friends who will listen. We meet and befriend youth at school, sporting venues, shopping centres and at other places where they hang out with their friends. As we earn the trust of young people, we begin to share not only our friendship, but also our faith in Jesus Christ.

Young Life has been in Australia since 1972. Today, there are a number of Young Life programmes in New South Wales and Victoria. Internationally, Young Life is reaching young people through friendship, in 40 countries.

The majority of those working with Young Life are dedicated volunteers and staff. They come from a wide cross section of the Christian community and give ten or more hours per week, either working directly with youth or assisting behind the scenes.

Young Life Australia INC
14 Bellevue Ave
West Ryde , NSW  2114
Ph: (02) 9874-7438
Fax: (02) 9874-1635
Web: http://www.younglife.org.au
Email: [email protected]

ABN: 96 592 278 795       DGR: item 1 of table in section 30-15

Donations to this organisation are tax deductible   Donations to this organisation over $2.00 are tax deductible. *
This organisation accepts volunteer labour  Volunteering:
Phone Glyn Henman for details
Email this address [email protected] listing your contact
details and how you might be able to help.

* Checking your organisations tax deductibility status
Although every effort is made to ensure that organisations provide correct information, to be absolutely sure of the tax deductibility status of an organisation you should check with the Australian Business Register.

To update the information for this organisation you must be an employee of the organisation and hold the login details. If you have lost those details they may recovered here.
The eFirst Group