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Nulsen Haven Association Inc

Nulsen Haven Association began as the Mentally Incurable Children's Association (MICA) in 1954. It was established by a group of parents unable to care for their disabled children at home, yet unwilling to send them to an adult mental institution. Led by founders Bill Burns and Frank Adersonand Lloyd Summerton, the group sought the support of the then Minister for Health, the Hon Emil Nulsen. In October 1956, Nulsen Haven was officially opened in Redcliffe and began caring for 20 children with intellectual disabilities.

Nulsen Haven Association supports people who have a profound or severe disability, many of whom also have multiple physical disabilities.

Today's Nulsen Haven:

providing homes in the community which meet the specific needs of it's residents.

providing 24 hour support from caring and skilled staff.

organising educational and recreational opportunities for residents.
teaching residents lifeskills, such as how to communicate, go shopping etc; and,

providing speech, occupational and physictherapy services as well as nursing and medical services to maintain and improve the health and wellbeing of residents.

Nulsen Haven Association Inc
Suite 3 28 Burton St
Cannington, WA  6107
Ph: 08 9358 5551
Fax: 08 9358 5552
Email: [email protected]

ABN: 43 130 353 890       DGR: 900 203 015

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The eFirst Group