Together, we can secure a future for wildlife

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Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Wildlife Queensland) is the longest-running and one of the most respected wildlife conservation organisations in Queensland. For more than 60 years we’ve worked to protect and conserve at-risk species and habitats, advocating for better environmental policy, delivering vital on-ground conservation programs, and raising awareness of wildlife conservation issues through education and community engagement.

QLD Govt. considers ban on opera house nets

Fisheries Queensland seeks public feedback on proposed recreational fishing reforms, including banning opera house nets (enclosed yabby traps). Queensland is the only state yet to fully ban these nets, despite ongoing reports of platypuses and other air-breathing animals drowning in them.

Our wildlife needs YOUR voice! Have your say and support a ban on opera house nets in Queensland. Submissions close 9 May 2024.


Top platypus-spotting tips

Despite their distinctive appearance marked by a duck-like bill, webbed feet, and a thick tail that serves as a fat reserve, spotting a platypus in the wild remains a challenging endeavour.

These fascinating monotremes are notoriously elusive, tending to shelter during the day in burrows dug into stream banks and typically emerging only at dawn and dusk.

Increase your platypus-spotting success with these top tips.

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How we work

Protecting wildlife

Protecting and connecting threatened species through our innovative surveying and monitoring programs and key habitat restoration projects.

influencing choices

Cooperating with local & state governments and conservation groups to develop policies & campaigns that protect our state’s natural heritage.

engaging communities

Educating and engaging people and communities, the foundation of our Society, to inspire change and achieve positive conservation outcomes.

Wildlife Australia magazine

WAM Autumn 2024

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Your generous tax-deductible donation is your chance to make a huge impact on the wildlife you care about. More than 70% of all donations go towards our conservation projects to protect threatened species and habitats.

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